Friday 26 February 2016

Primary Spring Fair/ Spring Fair de Primaria

El pasado sábado 20 de febrero, las secciones de Upper y Lower Primary unieron esfuerzos para llevar a cabo la tradicional Spring Fair, cuyo propósito es recaudar fondos para poder dar becas escolares a las familias del personal de la ABC. Los stands de juegos y comida dirigidos por maestros y alumnos desde Pre-Kinder a 5to grado fueron disfrutados por varios miembros de nuestra comunidad.

Este año, la Spring Fair fue un enorme éxito con gran asistencia, recaudando alrededor de $10,000, los cuales serán de gran ayuda para nuestro personal de mantenimiento y vigilancia.


On Saturday February 20th, Upper and Lower Primary teamed up to carry out the annual Spring Fair, whose goal is to raise funds to award scholarships to families of ABC staff. The food and game stalls were managed by teachers and students from Pre-Kinder through Grade 5 and were enjoyed by many members of our school community.
This year, the Spring Fair was a huge success, with great attendance and raised approximately $10,000, which will be of great help to our scholarship fund for local staff.

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