Friday 23 November 2012

Our students amongst the Voices Around the World.

We were very pleased to have participated in the "Voices Around the World Choir" and you can see our Primary students, and perhaps hear them, in this video.
The students were conducted and recorded by Mr Cesar Santamaria and the Voices Around the World organization mixed this with hundreds of similar recordings done all around the world.
What a beautiful sound! Thanks to Mr Santamaria and Primary students for this excellent project!
Where do we appear? Can you spot us?

"Voices Around The World is a not for profit project linking the voices of young people around the world through music. The main idea behind the project is to give the chance for school choirs, youth singing groups and young individuals around the world to participate in making an international recording. Over the last year more than 300 schools participated in the project. They all received mp3s of the choir parts for Howard Jones' song 'Building Our Own Future.' Many of the school choirs managed to achieve the aim of the project, by submitting their own recordings to be included on a 'master' recording of the song. This video features the mix of these choirs. We estimate that there is somewhere in the region of 1000 voices on this recording! This is not a commercial release of the song but we would like to promote it as widely as possible with the aim of encouraging purchased downloads of the song from the Voices Around The World Website

Any money raised by through these purchases will be used in full to help selected charity schools in Africa. YOU can help and be a part of this project! If you have enjoyed listening to the song ....please network this YouTube video as widely as possible. By doing so you will be helping young people in African schools so that they can all say 'we are - Building Our Own Future!' Thanks ....from the Voices Around The World Team"

Friday 16 November 2012

British Scientists Visit the ABC

We had some British scientists from days gone by at school at lunchtime today to celebrate the end of British Fortnight where we have been focusing on British scientific discoveries. Can you spot Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Alexander Fleming, Michael Farraday and Jane Goodall among others! Thank you Science department for a great fun activity!

International Tolerance Day - a message from the IGCA Team

Today, the 16th of November is the International Tolerance Day, on which we remind ourselves about the importance of tolerance.

To tolerate mean to have a 
fairobjective and permissive attitude for those who are different, act different or  have different beliefs.

We should all be tolerant as an ABC ROC student.

Lets all CELEBRATE TOLERANCE, not only today but EVERYDAY!

- from the ABC IGCA Team 12 - 13

Thursday 25 October 2012

Turtles never give up! International Award news

Turtles never give up

This years International Award team at the ABC officially includes 26 students. That is a 225% increase compared to last year's recruitment and so we are pleased to report that there has been a massive interest in the Award this year - probably due to the intrepid  escapades of last year's bronze and silver teams including the historical crossing of  'El Impossible'. The official statistics are:

16 brand new bronze candidates from year 9
4 new silver candidates from year 11
2 silver candidates who are progressing to silver level after completing bronze last year.
4 gold level candidates who are progressing to gold level after completing silver last year.

Bear in mind that it is not easy to complete an International Award at any level, and we will be waiting with baited breath to see which of this year's candidates have 'what it takes' to complete their awards and will receive their official congratulations at the awards ceremony in June. At this point, we would like to see all of them succeed, so come on this year's candidates - if I may borrow from a certain world leader's famous inauguration speech, ' Candidates -yes you can!'.

The first activity this year took the form of an weekend at the Portezuelo park in Juayua. Amidst multiple activities and the occasional torrential rain the new candidates of the ABC International award were welcomed into the 'family'.

After completing two afternoon training sessions the group were ready for an expedition, and that took the form of a 'tri-volcano' challenge at the 'Parque de los volcanes' in Cerro Verde. In one weekend the bronze and silver candidates undertook to climb three volcanoes in the region, camping in tents at the Campo Bello site in Cerro Verde. The volcanoes were the severe 'Izalco', the leafy 'Cerro Verde' and the other-wordly 'Santa Ana'. Carrying all their equipment on their backs up Santa Ana was a challenge to some of our candidates.
"I feel like a turtle" one bronze candidate complained.
"Remember, turtles never give up" a teacher replied.

Food was provided by the staff International award team and a peaceful night was passed out under the stars, for the students at least. The night was less fortunate for the staff, who having cooked a meal outdoors for 25 people after walking all day, were heroically exhausted. They were preparing to take some well earned rest when disaster struck and one of them received a painful burn on the leg, and yet another teacher found they had pitched their tent on a nest of forest ants. Despite these incidents and the new challenges for the students, the whole party was in fine spirits the next day and a much shouting and singing could be heard up and down the file of 'turtles' making their way up to the top of Santa Ana to view the spectacular crater lake. New entertainments invented by the candidates to ease the journey included ' the turtle dance' the 'frog pretending to be a turtle' dance, and a moving rendition of the old song 'if you are happy and you know it clap your hands' with the words 'tired/exhausted/hungry/turtle' replacing the word happy with much enthusiastic clapping.

The group was safely loaded onto the buses before the heavens opened and belting rain pummeled the windows of the bus as the students settled snugly down for a triumphant post-expedition nap on the return journey to the ABC. Well done to students and staff, the next expedition will be Navigation day on January the 19th on the local volcano 'El Boqueron'.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

The stork delivers - a bulldog mascot!

The stork had spent days heading towards the ABC and what it was carrying was today revealed during various assemblies and classes.

It arrived on an appropriate day since today is FOUNDERS' DAY. Forty two years ago the Fundación Escolar Británico-Salvadoreña was constituted: 

And what did the stork bring?

A beautifully crafted video showed the storks delivering their loads, and one of them headed down towards the ABC from the skies. The little bundle unwrapped to show - a small bulldog!

You can see what he looks like in this presentation:

Monday 22 October 2012

IB French Team Success

Congratulations to the IB French students who took part in a French festival on Monday and won first prize in three different categories. We are proud of you and well done to all involved!

Es us placer informarles que nuestros jóvenes ganaron el primer lugar en las 3 categorías de Canción, poésía, y corto métrage.

Complete programme

Thursday 11 October 2012

Thinkers at the ABC

The IB Learner Profile promotes activities to help create thinkers. Grade 9-12 spent an assembly yesterday thinking about different types of problems in a creative manner. One of the tasks was to break this code using a simple Caesar shift. DEENQS KDZCR SN RTBBDRR. There were some other puzzles which you could ask them about!

Monday 17 September 2012

IB Diploma Graduates

The Board of Governors, the Headmaster and the Teaching Staff congratulate the following students for obtaining the International Baccalaureate Diploma.
La Junta Directiva, el Señor Director y el Personal felicitan a los estudiantes que recientemente obtuvieron el Diploma del Bachillerato Internacional.

Thursday 30 August 2012

IGCSE Success for the Class 2014

Congratulations to the class of 2014 for their IGCSE success and especially to the students in the photograph who were our top three students. They are now starting their IB programme. We were also delighted with the performance of the Class of 2012 who managed some very high IB scores as well as an overall Diploma rate of 93%.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Graduación Clase 2012: Invitado de Honor

Las palabras del invitado de honor, Ing Francisco Suriano:

Cuando Mr. Hobson me llamo para que fuera el invitado de honor en su graduación sentí una gran alegría, pero a la vez un fuerte compromiso de ponerme a la altura de otros, que antes de mi y con muchos mas méritos, han tenido que pronunciar estas palabras. Hasta ese momento realice que no había sido ayer que me encontraba recibiendo mi titulo de bachiller, como lo están recibiendo ustedes en esta ocasión. No obstante, al reflexionar sobre los logros que me atribuyen para esta distinción, entendí que en efecto si ha pasado mucho tiempo y que durante este he vivido cosas, que creo, pudieran ser útiles para ustedes. No niego, que tampoco estaba preparado para la nostalgia que hoy siento al ponerme en su lugar.
Como quisiera regresar el tiempo…

Estar frente a ustedes es un privilegio, como no había tenido otro en mi vida.

Les confieso que nunca antes había compartido en público mis reflexiones personales, y haciendo una remembranza de ellas, entiendo la importancia que tuvieron en mi la formación familiar, escolar y espiritual. Esta noche quisiera compartir con ustedes algunas de ellas, en espera que les puedan ser de utilidad en el camino que hoy comienzan a andar.
Cuando yo tenía como 7 años mis padres tomaron una decisión de la cual estaré siempre agradecido. En unas vacaciones de verano, ellos consideraron importante que yo fuera expuesto a diversas actividades culturales y deportivas, para que yo explorara y descubriera mi talento y vocación. Es así, como rápidamente me encontré practicando karate, equitación, piano, natación y tenis; aun recuerdo esa pizarra en la sala de mi casa, llena con todos los horarios de clases y actividades por hacer. Todas me interesaban, todas me gustaban, pero a medida que el tiempo pasó me fui dando cuenta que la natación era mi verdadera pasión.
La vida nos presenta todo el tiempo con diversas opciones, distintos caminos que podemos recorrer.  Estoy claro que yo he sido una persona muy afortunada; afortunada por tener dos grandes padres que supieron guiarme a muy corta edad por el camino donde estaban mis talentos.  Me gustaba nadar, pero aprendí que lo que verdaderamente me apasionaba era competir y ganar;  descubrí en el camino del éxito no existen términos medios. Y gracias a ellos, logre representar con mucho orgullo a nuestro país en dos Olimpiadas y muchos otros campeonatos nacionales, regionales y mundiales.

Un pilar fundamental en mi vida, han sido los valores. Mis padres jugaron un papel importante. Desde muy pequeño se preocuparon por inculcarme a mi, y a mis hermanos, un conjunto de valores que ellos practicaban, entre los que estaban: la honestidad, el esfuerzo, la integridad, el compromiso, el honor, y sobre todo, el respeto y la Fe en Dios. Valores que comenzaron a formar desde temprano, la persona que soy hoy en día.

Durante los 17 años de mi carrera deportiva tuve momentos de flaqueza, tiempos en los que quise hacer otras cosas que yo consideraba importantes, como salir con mis amigos, trasnocharme, ir a las fiestas…  pero al final, nunca olvidaba cual era el propósito central de mi vida: el estudio, el deporte, la familia y la amistad. Sin estos valores bien firmes, difícilmente hubiera podido sobreponerme a los obstáculos y alcanzar las metas que me había propuesto. Hoy, haciendo un recuento de ellas, no me arrepiento.
Es gracias a estos principios que yo logre sobreponerme a varias derrotas, a varios segundos lugares; entendí que no se gana la medalla de plata, se pierde el oro. Es gracias a esta pasión por la competencia que yo me levantaba cada madrugada, sabiendo que si hacia un mejor esfuerzo, que si buscaba siempre ser el mejor y reconociendo que no existen los caminos cortos, algún día lo alcanzaría.   
Hay un dicho muy sabio, que dice: “no se puede construir un gigante con pies de barro.” yo creo firmemente que los valores correctos, son los pilares fundamentales para que todo logro que obtengamos en nuestras vidas perdure, este siempre lleno de mucha alegría y satisfacción personal.
Si bien es muy cierto que los valores se aprenden en el hogar, tenemos que reconocer que la Academia Británica nos inculco también estos mismos valores, cuya idea central se resume en el lema presente en nuestros cuadernos de estudio y que dice: El Esfuerzo Conduce al Éxito!  (Effort Leads to Success)
Este día, ustedes concluyen una etapa importante en sus vidas, termina el colegio y comienza la universidad, una etapa maravillosa, apasionante y única, donde ampliaran sus conocimientos y seguirán formando su carácter. Cualquier tropiezo que hayan tenido hasta ahora en sus vidas se puede fácilmente corregir, porque aunque ustedes no se hallan percatado todavía, apenas están comenzando a vivir.
De hoy en adelante muchos se irán a vivir lejos, estarán por su cuenta y tendrán que tomar a diario pequeñas decisiones que los encausaran en el camino del éxito, o del fracaso; recuerden que en la vida no hay términos medios. Siempre tomen cada una de estas pequeñas y grandes decisiones con su mirada en el horizonte, en el largo plazo. Hay cosas en la vida a las que no se les puede poner retroceso, las decisiones y el tiempo son algunas de ellas. Y si se equivocan en el camino, recuerden que de las cosas malas, Dios siempre saca cosas buenas. De los errores se aprende tanto como de las lecciones, siempre y cuando los reviertan y aprendan de ellos.

En este recorrido no olviden nunca aprovechar sus Talentos; cada uno de nosotros hemos nacido con cualidades únicas, este es el momento para descubrirlas y explotarlas al máximo. Vibren con la pasión de los retos que esto les trae, búsquenlos sin temor. Siéntanse orgullosos de sus logros, siéntanse orgullosos de su colegio, de sus amigos y sobre todo siéntanse orgullosos de sus familias y de su país que los ha visto crecer, esforzarse y progresar. Tengan a la vista siempre su meta, su nuevo propósito de vida que los guie hacia el camino del éxito.  Recuerden siempre que el Talento es una Chispa, pero la Pasión….  es el Incendio!
Hay una diferencia importante hoy respecto a hace dieciséis años, el mundo no es el mismo de entonces y no lo será tampoco después de este tiempo, prepárense para esos cambios, para un mundo cada vez mas competitivo. El deporte me enseño y acostumbro a competir, no le teman a la competencia. Sus armas mas importantes, no lo olviden, serán sus Sueños por realizar, sus Talentos para alcanzarlos y sus Valores para guiarlos.
Siempre den lo mejor de ustedes, nunca se desilusionen, cuando la vida les sonría… gócenla; cuando esta los golpee… levántense y sigan adelante; impónganse ante las sorpresas que el destino les prepare  y lleguen hasta el final de la carrera, con la frente en alto y orgullosos de haberla alcanzado.

Para finalizar, quisiera compartir con ustedes una memorable cita que mi entrenador, Oscar Moreno, me repetía con frecuencia y que es atribuida a Sir Winston Churchill, esta dice:
“A todo hombre, le llega en su vida, ese momento especial cuando es llamado a la conciencia, para ofrecerle la oportunidad de hacer algo especial en su vida, de carácter único y a la medida de sus talentos. Que tragedia, si ese momento lo encuentra  desprevenido e incapaz para el trabajo que seria su obra estelar.” - Sir Winston Churchill.

Les deseo a todos que cuando ese momento especial les llegue, los encuentre listos y preparados, para actuar y hacer esa diferencia… estén listos, para dejar su huella en cada momento de esta vida.

Muchas Gracias, Buenas Noches y Buena Suerte

Thursday 7 June 2012

Ring Ceremony for the Class of 2012

The traditional Ring Ceremony took place on Wednesday 6th of June for the Class of 2012. The Auditorium was packed with friends and family. Danny Jazrawi and Melissa Delgado gave the speeches on behalf of the students and Mr Argueta, as the longest serving member of staff, provided the final message to the students. The talk is given below.

En 1889  Charles Duell, comisario de la Oficina de Patentes y Marcas de Estados Unidos anuncio que ya nada podía ser inventado por la humanidad, que ya se había llegado al final de la creatividad y no  había ya capacidad de superar lo que hasta ese entonces había sido descubierto. Era tal su convencimiento que el propio Charles pidió al congreso Americano que cerrara la Oficina de Patentes ya que no habría nada más por registrarse.

Aproximadamente en esa fecha, el obispo protestante de Iowa Milton Wright, reafirmaría la frase de Duell en una entrevista al decir que el fin del mundo estaba ya por llegar y la señal era que el hombre había inventado ya todo lo que se podía inventar.

A más de dos siglos  después de estas declaraciones sabemos que ninguna de las dos cosas ha sucedido. La vertiginosa velocidad del cambio hace que no podamos ni imaginar lo que ocurrirá a futuro más cercano, y vivimos tan acostumbrados a las maravillas del mundo moderno que ya ni nos asombramos ante la cantidad de cosas que suceden a nuestro alrededor.

No nos queda tiempo de pensar que todo esto no es más que el resultado de investigaciones científicas producto de mentes especializadas que después de pruebas continuas llegaron  a perfeccionar una vaga idea, un chispazo repentino que les dio la oportunidad de emplear todo su conocimiento para lanzarse del anonimato al mundo de la posteridad.

Con tan vasta cantidad de información, nos hemos involucrado en un mundo de exigencias, la necesidad de aprender se ha convertido en prioridad para asimilar lo que experimentamos, superarnos en forma personal para no estar desfasados es imperante. La superación personal solo puede ser acompañada por la excelencia. La excelencia solo puede ser lograda si la formación del individuo rechaza la mediocridad la ignorancia y el fracaso. La formación individual estriba en una férrea autodeterminación, disciplina y sobretodo en una buena educación.

Las entidades educativas del mundo moderno están conscientes de la exigencia del cambio en sus recintos escolares para forjar mentes que vayan de la mano con las nuevas tecnologías y los nuevos avances, las  últimas corrientes hablan sobre la necesidad de una  revolución en la educación y no en una evolución. Las evoluciones solo  están basadas en reformas que tratan de reparar patrones que han colapsado. Una revolución educacional esta cimentada en la creación de nuevos parámetros con carácter vanguardista, con una visión renovadora, especializando el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje con técnicas de avanzada, sólida y futurista, para que las generaciones puedan descubrir lo que aún no se ha visto, explotando más allá el límite de sus capacidades.

Talvez ustedes mismos dirán imposible! en estos tiempos, ya casi todo ha sido descubierto. Eso mismo se dijo en 1889 y el mundo  se asombró después al atestiguar que volar no era solo una habilidad para los pájaros. Ni hablemos de las últimas maravillas de la cibernética que se han hecho tan indispensables en nuestro mundo cotidiano. La responsabilidad de actualizar y mejorar el mundo en que vivimos está en sus manos, no hay argumentos válidos para decir no puedo. Ahora que parten en un viaje hacia un mundo incierto les ayudamos a empacar, ponemos en su maleta una ración de valor, una libreta con indicaciones de como vencer el temor ante las adversidades, dándoles un pasaporte que les garantiza su entrada a cualquier universidad del mundo con una visa que da testimonio de  una capacitación de rango superior, extendida en una academia  acreditada internacionalmente con programas que avalan su estadía en cualquier lugar del mundo.

Y este mundo sigue su curso, en el hemisferio norte llega el tan ansiado verano y el Reino Unido se viste de gala, primero para celebrar el acontecimiento del año, el Jubileo de Diamante en honor a su Soberana, quien después de 60 años de reinado ha mantenido con hidalguía  la tradición y la corona de un país que se mantiene fuerte en un mundo tambaleante e impredecible. Después de esta celebración, Londres como puerta principal, se abre y da la bienvenida a incontables atletas que se darán cita para mostrar al mundo los resultados de cuatro años de duro entrenamiento. En lo personal disfruto mucho de estas competencias, no solo por la calidad de esfuerzo humano que se muestra sino por el despliegue de los últimos avances en cuestión de tecnología.

El oro, la plata y el bronce será para los mejores, la elite mundial, subirán al podio donde todos quisiéramos estar y al que solo llegaran los que trabajaron duro los que llegaron a competir con espíritu positivo, dando lo máximo poniendo alma mente y cuerpo para también ser parte de la posteridad.

De igual manera, esta noche, se les está premiando con oro a los vencedores después de meses de fuerte lucha. En cuatro o cinco años, esperamos verlos una vez más en el podio de los vencedores coronando su carrera y quien sabe a lo mejor ya famosos por el descubrimiento de algo a lo que ni siquiera nos imaginamos. A eso hay que aspirar.

Cierro con algo que un genio del mundo moderno nos dejó. El gran Steve Jobs dijo:

Tu tiempo es limitado, así que no lo malgastes viviendo la vida en base a otros. Que no te atrapen los dogmas....lo cual no es más que vivir con los resultados del pensamiento ajeno. No dejes que el ruido de las opiniones externas ahoguen los de tu voz interna. Y más importante aún, ten el valor de seguir a tu corazón y sus intuiciones. Ya que ellas saben en lo que realmente tú te quieres convertir"

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Knowledge Bowl Clash

The Class of 2012 Knowledge Bowl team faced a rival team chosen from the best players from the recent Grade 6-9 internal Knowledge Bowl competition. The game was closely fought with the score 40-39 as we took the last question. The Class of 2012 won but the younger team can be proud to have given them such a close run. A collection was taken for a local library and raised $50 from the spectators!

Queen's Jubilee

We celebrated the Queen's Diamond Jubilee with cakes and smiles. The newly appointed British Ambassador to El Salvador was our guest and the school based street party was enjoyed by all. The Queen's Diamond Jubilee quiz entries must be returned to school by Thursday at noon to qualify for entry into the competition. The quiz is on the school website.

Thursday 31 May 2012

ABC International Award Ends in Triumph!

The International Award Bronze and Silver teams triumphed last weekend in a successful Final Expedition to Perquin. Our students navigated a three day triangular route, taking in the river valleys to the North of Perquin town, the amazingly open country underneath Cerro la Crucita and then plunging down into the Rio Sapo valley. The last section involved winding back up around the stunning Pericon mountain peak before descending into Perquin.

The guide spoke of a wild puma spotted with cubs three years ago near our first campsite, where the rain tested the teams ability to act as a team in difficult circumstances - all hands acted together to try and keep equipment and bodies dry through the night. Rachel Keslake demonstrating considerable engineering talent, using squares of plastic sheets cut to size with a pen-knife to boost the 'rain and wind resistance' of the bronze team tent. As the team was carrying all of their own food for the three days, the packing skills of Fernando Chahin came into the light as an inexhaustible supply of snacks sustained his team through the difficulty of putting a tent up in the rain. As the storm lashed heavy rain down on our party in the afternoon, the muddy bank we were climbing began slowly to collapse and we relied upon the combined muscle power of Jonathan Keslake, Guilhermo Chavez and Roberto Diez de Pinal (the human chain) to pull us to safety.

In the morning we awoke to find we had a 12th party member, this one had four legs. A small brown and intensely likable dog watched over our breakfast proceedings with great approval and before long had acquired numerous names from the team including Bingo, Dingo, Window, Gringo and less appealingly - Bimbo. There is no rule against dogs doing the international award, and after eating several pancakes (only one of which was meant for him), Bingo evidently decided to cast his lot in with us and remained by our side, day and night, for the rest of the expedition. On this day the navigational skills of both teams were tested severely as they used a map and compass to cross the high plateau stretching from Cerro de Crucita down to the cliff which marks the edge of the Rio Sapo valley. Isavel McGough and Rose Guilano showed remarkable tenacity in finding a way through the endless criss-crossing animal trails and the party celebrated a noisy reunion at the edge - with much barking from Bingo. At the end of the day the urgency of a second rainstorm approaching accelerated our fording of the Rio Sapo. The river was understandably high and it took us quite a long time to find a safe place to cross. In the process we disturbed an iguana who ran past us at terrific speed. The crossing necessitated Jonathan, Roberto, Fernando, Raul and Guilhermo to form a human chain on stepping stones across the breadth of the river and they showed great team-work, courage and fortitude as they guided each item of equipment and human body to safety and then helped each other to shore. Only Bingo remained on the far bank, crying piteously and refusing help. In the end we made to leave him behind but with a sudden dash he leapt to the first rock and somehow skittered across the channel in a display of 'doggie-gymnastics' which was almost Olympic in standard.

At night the crew celebrated by huddling round a small fire and cooking an Australian outback delicacy called 'Damper Bread', which has been a tradition of this year's crew. Songs were sung of variable quality and everyone warmed up after a very satisfying swim in the Rio Sapo. The hike up to Pericon involved some serious jungle bashing and the boys used their machetes to help clear a way. Several times the party crossed fences of barbed wire, trusting in each other to avoid injury and guiding others as they crossed over, under and through the gaps. At one point a rest stop was interrupted by an angry group of wasps who attacked the group but because of our tough walking gear and Raul's early warning they were unable to sting a single person. At one point the trail became a steep mudslide and the group had no option but to sit down and enjoy the ride. The views at the top of Pericon hushed us all to silence, and then the teams yodeling skills were employed to communicate to the world that the ABC team had nearly made it, Bingo was inseparable to the end, as we said our goodbyes at the bus he whimpered and refused to leave. We waved goodbye to Perquin Lenka and then realized that the bus was being followed by a running dog.I am not sure what happened next but the next time I looked around while Bingo was sat on the back seat with the boys eating sausages. (Does anyone want to adopt an exceptional dog? Guilhermo Chavez (11) is looking after him for now). A very well done to the ABC International Award teams for Bronze and Silver this year!

Saturday 26 May 2012

International Award Trip Update

We received news this afternoon that the International Award group have made their Saturday night camp and all is well. They have had a good day despite some rain!

Friday 25 May 2012

Second Grade donation of emergency packs

Second grade had an exciting day!  A few weeks ago when they were learning about Active Planet, the made some emergency packs during their exit point.  They wanted to donate the emergency packs to help their community in case there is a natural disaster.
Today a representative form FUSAL came and briefly explained to the children about the work this organisation does whenever there is a natural disaster in our country.  The children were able to donate the emergency packs!

Sunday 20 May 2012

Last Friday, Primary's link with the Salvadorean Olympic Academy continued. Once again Geovany Delgado promoted the Olympic values with Softball as the catalyst. Grades 2 and 3 were given a fun packed talk about Olympic Values and were then able to practise some softball skills under the guidance of Francisco Pocasanngre (National Softball Coach) and three members of the Juvenile National Softball Team (David Lòpez, David Valle and Jonathan Jovel). The event was so popular that Grade 1 Teachers asked if the session could be extended to include Grade 1 also. This was no problem for the Athletes. These events have proved extremely successful this year, and have opened the children's eyes to different sports, and, hopefully, the children may ask you, their parents, to let them have a go at these sports. Therefore, we hope to continue these events next year, as they have proved extremely successful.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

We had a very busy lunchtime today

We had a very busy lunch time today with current Harvard student Manuel Melendez from the Class of 2011 talking about university entrance to Grade 11. Meanwhile the final of the school Knowledge Bowl tournament was taking place and the winning team was the Aztec 8 team. In the Auditorium the 5 a side football tournament was continuing.

Friday 4 May 2012

Visit from the National Fencing Team

Today we had a visit from the members of El Salvador's Fencing Team as part of an IPC activity for our 5th Graders. It was great fun for everyone! Some children and faculty members even got the opportunity to try it out themselves...

Wednesday 2 May 2012

On the 28th of April, 2012 The ABC International Award group became the first school expedition team in El Salvador to cross the El Impossible park. This dramatic route traversed the wilderness area (famous for extreme topography), from south to north following trails, animal tracks, and contour lines. The journey has only been completed three times in recent memory, twice by professional game scouts…. yes, you guessed it, the third time was us. Special permission from the park was granted to pass through areas under maximum legal protection. The actual crossing took place on Saturday 28th of April 2012; This journey of approximately 11 hours tested their endurance, preparation, teamwork, spirit and overall; Determination to succeed.  The team also conducted a night survey of animals in the park and ended by walked through the coffee plantation area into Ataco on Sunday 29th.

The 8 students involved were:

Rachel Keslake (year 9)
Rose Guiliano (Year 9)
Isavel McGough (Year 9)
Fernando Chahin (Year 11)
Roberto Diez de Pinal (Year 11)
Jonathan Keslake (Year 11)
Guilhermo Chavez (Year 11)
Raul Chacon (Year 11)

Thursday 26 April 2012

Olympics Ceremony Cuscatlan Stadium

Wow! What a fantastic morning we had at the Cuscatlan Stadium! A great way to start the Primary IPC Olympics Unit which we call the Entry Point...and what an Entry Point it was! A HUGE thank you to all staff, parents, family members, special guests and children involved in making this morning so memorable.

Inauguración de exposición  
12th IB Art

Wednesday 25 April 2012

This weekend the International Award team will be departing for the wildest park in El Salvador, the famous ´El Impossible´. They are going to put into the practice the expedition skills they have been learned over a period  of six months of training; including navigation, first aid, cooking in the outdoors, living out of a rucksack and survival in the wild. Everything they need to live for three days will be carried in their backpacks. They will need to find a way from the park entrance, in the south, to the hill-top town of Ataco. To get there they will need to traverse areas of rain forest which are under special protection. They will need to walk fast, under escort by park rangers who have granted the ABC award team a special privilege; to walk the most secret trails of El Impossible. Along the way they will camp far away from civilisation, walk the footpaths at night looking for animals, watch the sun rise from the lofty Cerro Campana - highest peak in the region, and finally, eat a celebratory lunch on arrival in Ataco. The team includes students from grades 9, 10 and 11 and they will be joined by three teachers from the ABC who will share in the adventure.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

     El 27 de marzo de 2012, la Asamblea Legislativa realizó un evento de reconocimiento al mérito académico de las instituciones educativas y sus alumnos con las notas más altas en la PAES de septiembre 2011.  La Academia Británica Cuscatleca fue galardonada en el evento presidido por el presidente de la asamblea Sigfrido Reyes,  el presidente de la Comisión de Cultura y Educación Jaime Valdez y el Vice Ministro de Educación, Héctor Samour.
     Para el Presidente de la Asamblea Legislativa, Sigfrido Reyes, es importante reconocer el esfuerzo que realizan las instituciones educativas, su cuerpo docente, las autoridades educativas, los estudiantes, y los padres y madres de familia para lograr excelentes resultados en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las y los alumnos. 

     Tres de nuestros alumnos obtuvieron notas de 9 o más en la prueba: María Fernanda Arango, Ramón Sanfeliú, y Rubén López; y el 84% alcanzaron resultados en el nivel superior, el resto obtuvo logros en el nivel intermedio.
     La Academia Británica se enorgullece de sus alumnos y a la vez nos vemos motivados a continuar trabajando para superar nuestros propios resultados. 

Friday 30 March 2012

Exam week

Grade 9 and 11 completed the internal exam sessions this week. Results for all Grades will be coming out soon after we return to school. It will not be long before our Grade 10 and 12 students are starting their IGCSE and IB Exams.

PAES Award from the Asamblea

The achievements of our students in the PAES exams were recognised by the Asamblea on Wednesday. The school received a certificate to recognise the achievements of our students. The photos show our top three PAES students for 2012.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Congratulations ABC MathCounts Team for their resounding wins in Mexico!!

• Team A FIRST PLACE (Teja Huggins, Alejandro Alfaro, Andrés Butter, Andrés Puente)
• Team B THIRD PLACE (Andrea Osegueda, Gerardo Cabrera, María Fernanda Arteaga, José Andrés Cáceres)

INDIVIDUAL AWARDS (out of 120 students from México, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua - all ABC students within first 20 places)
• Andrés Butter 2nd place
• Andrés Puente 1st place

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Grade 11 Reading to Grade 1

Our Grade 11 Environmental Systems group wrote some children's stories with an environmental message and shared them with first grade this morning. You can see how much it was enjoyed by some of our oldest students and some of our youngest students.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Mathcounts 2012

Congratulations to the ABC team that won the Central American round of Mathcounts on Saturday and will be going to the next round in Mexico. All the ABC teams performed really well and congratulations to all of them and to their coach Carlos Arriola. Teja won the individual competition so especial congratulations to her.

Tuesday 17 January 2012


Art and Creative Writing Competition 2012


All pupils in 6th and 7th grade are encouraged to take part and we hope this will provide an excellent opportunity to broaden the cross-curricular options for staff and pupils of secondary, making for a fun project and allowing room for a wide range of talents to come to light.