Friday 19 December 2014

Introducing our new Head Students

We appointed our new Head Students yesterday.
Congratulations Sabrina and Alberto

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Our community through a photo from a Grade 10 student

This piece of work which now hangs in the reception at school is a ‘pop art’ digital image of three girls form lower primary. It was in response to the question " What is school for me?"  My initial thoughts centered around the idea of school being the place where you build your future and the school provides you with all the tools you need to achieve your dreams.  I stayed after school and took pictures around the school to get the ‘essence’ of the ABC. I met these three girls who where running around enjoying themselves, I took the picture just as they started hugging each other. This 
photo captured what the school means to me.  I remembered my eagerness when I was younger to play with my friends. The warmth in the photograph is the feeling of my school as I prepare for my future. That moment is the simplest form of expression for the happiness we live as we play in the playground, and I want to convey it to others. Thank you!

Saturday 22 November 2014

Bonfire Night at the ABC

We had an amazing celebration of Guy Fawkes last night with hundreds of guests coming to school. The atmosphere was amazing and it was great to see the community of students, parent and teachers enjoying themselves together. The stars of the show were of course our students, from Primary and Secondary including the dancers and choirs who were brilliant. We have to mention the staff dancers, singers and poets alongside the very talented musicians from across the school who played for us.

It was fantastic to see so many older students raising funds and awareness for community projects and especially the Student Council's Spooky Cellar which supports the Burns Unit at Hospital Bloom. Thank you to all the Madres Enlace who did their best to keep up with the demand for food and drink. Thank you to all the staff and prefects who helped ensure the safety of all the younger party goers and to everyone who supported this event in one way or another.

We are already looking forward to next year's event!


Tuvimos una celebración de Guy Fawkes increíble, con cientos de invitados en el colegio. El ambiente fue espectacular y fue grandioso ver a la comunidad de estudiantes, padres de familia y profesores disfrutando juntos. Las estrellas del evento fueron, por supuesto, los alumnos de Primaria y Secundaria incluyendo a los bailarines y coros quienes estuvieron fantásticos. Debemos mencionar a los bailarines del personal, cantantes y poetas quienes se presentaron junto a los talentosos músicos del colegio.

Fue espectacular ver a tantos de los alumnos mayores recaudando fondos y creando conciencia sobre proyectos comunitarios, en especial el Consejo Estudiantil quien apoya a la unidad de quemados del Hospital Bloom a través de su Casa de Sustos. Gracias a las Madres Enlace quienes hicieron su mejor trabajo para satisfacer la demanda de comida y bebida. También agradecemos al personal y equipo de 'prefects' quienes ayudaron a garantizar la seguridad de los participantes más jóvenes, así como a todos quienes apoyaron este evento de alguna forma.

¡Esperamos con ansias el evento del próximo año!

Tuesday 11 November 2014

British Fortnight: Poppies for Peace

Today is the 96th anniversary of the end of the First World War. On this day 96 years ago the fighting stopped and the world reflected on the millions of young people who had been killed on all sides. The red poppy became a symbol of remembrance for all those who had died. Today and for the rest of this week, leading up to our Guy Fawkes Party on the 21st November (which will end British Fortnight) we will be selling poppies in school and the donations will be used to support street children in Santa Tecla. Please support our Poppies for Peace campaign through your son or daughter this week or on Guy Fawkes Night by buying a poppy. Our hope is for a world where disputes are settled peacefully and not through war and violence. 

The picture below shows two of our Grade 12 wearing their poppy.

Ahora es el 96o aniversario del fin de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Un día como hoy, hace 96 años, cesó el fuego y el mundo reflexionó sobre los millones de jóvenes que perdieron su vida en el conflicto armado. Las amapolas rojas se convirtieron en un símbolo para conmemorar a los caídos en batalla. A partir de ahora, hasta que culmine nuestra Quincena Británica con nuestro evento de Guy Fawkes el viernes 21, estaremos vendiendo amapolas rojas en el colegio. Los fondos recaudados serán utilizados para apoyar a niños que viven en la calle en Santa Tecla. Por favor apoye nuestra campaña de Poppies for Peace (Amapolas por la Paz) comprando una amapola a través de sus hijos, o en el evento de Guy Fawkes. Es nuestro deseo que el mundo en que vivimos resuelva sus problemas pacíficamente, sin recurrir a la violencia y la guerra. La foto muestra a dos de nuestros alumnos de 12o Grado con sus amapolas.

Friday 24 October 2014

Values Workshop with Mr. Napoleopn Ardaya

This week we had the opportunity to host a workshop for schools and parents to help "cultivate character" through Soluciones de Carácter Internacional who presented the workshop. As a values based school following the visit of Dr. Neil Hawkes we were pleased to present this workshop which was led by Lic . Napoleón Ardaya.

We would like to thank the hard work of the Parents Association in facilitating this event and for helping to pass the positive message of values based education into our community. It was fantastic to see parents, teachers and all members of the community working together with the same agenda of improving our society through character building values.

The themes were
  • The importance of values based education to develop character for teachers, schools and society.
  • The importance of values for our students as a guide in their lives.
  • How to teach values and cultivate character in all we do.
  • How to praise and encourage students to reinforce our values.
  • How to respond to inappropriate conduct by students in order to reinforce our values.
Thank you to everyone who attended and made the events so interesting. We will continue to work and promote this area of our school life.


Esta semana tuvimos la oportunidad de ser sede para el taller de entrenamiento sobre el programa “Cultivando el Carácter” desarrollado por Soluciones de Carácter Internacional, a la cual asistieron profesores de todo el colegio.

Estamos comprometidos con la enseñanza de Valores en nuestro colegio y nos sentimos felices de recibir al Lic. Napoleón Ardaya cuyo trabajo se complementa muy bien con el trabajo del Dr. Neil Hawkes (Values Based Education.)

Agradecemos el esfuerzo de las Asociación de Padres de Familia de la ABC por entablar este vínculo y además promover este mensaje entre la comunidad. Fue grato haber trabajado profesores y madres de familia juntos formando una alianza fuerte para la promoción de nuestros valores en beneficio de los alumnos y de la sociedad. 

Entre los temas que se desarrollaron estan: 
  • La importancia y beneficios del desarrollo del carácter en base a valores, para maestros, escuelas y sociedad.
  • La importancia y beneficios de los valores para los alumnos.
  • Cómo enseñar valores y cultivar el carácter en todo lo que hacemos
  • Cómo elogiar la buena conducta del alumno para reforzar su carácter.
  • Cómo corregir la mala conducta del alumno para reforzar su carácter.
Agradecemos a todos los participantes y colaboraron para hacer este evento tan interesante. Continuaremos trabajando en este tema para promover esta área del colegio.

Class 2016 Careers Day

On Thursday we celebrated our Class 2016 Careers Day and the ABC Annual University Fair, which is open to all of our community, including students, parents, and other international schools. We inaugurated the event with an address by Mr. Victor Clark, the Head of Mission at the British Embassy in San Salvador. He discussed how to select a professional career, the importance of working with passion in your field of specialization, choosing a university that prepares you for the global world beyond the academics of the classroom, and the many benefits of studying in the United Kingdom. 

Students then had the chance to participate in 5 different career presentations from a range of over 25 options, which included business, medicine, engineering, culinary arts, law, tourism, agro-industry, among others, all led by professionals in their fields of expertise. In addition we welcomed 32 universities from the United States, Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Canada, Switzerland, and our very own El Salvador, and delegations from the British, American, and Japanese embassies. Students from grade 9, 10, 11, and 12 all had the opportunity to attend the University Fair at different time slots. Our aim was to open the world of careers and universities so our students could appreciate and contemplate the wide range of options available to them.


El jueves, 16 de octubre, celebramos nuestro Día de Carreras para 11º grado y la Feria anual ABC de Universidades, que está abierto para toda nuestra comunidad, incluyendo estudiantes, padres y otras escuelas internacionales. Inauguramos el evento con una asamblea dirigida por el Jefe de Misión de la Embajada Británica en El Salvador, Sr. Victor Clark, quien se dirigió a los estudiantes de 11º grado sobre varios temas, incluyendo: Cómo elegir una carrera profesional; la importancia de trabajar con pasión en su campo de especialización; elegir una universidad que los prepara para el mundo más allá de lo teórico en las aula; y las muchas ventajas de estudiar en el Reino Unido.

Los estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de participar en 5 presentaciones de diferentes carreras con una gama de más de 25 opciones, que incluyen negocios, medicina, ingeniería, artes culinarias, derecho, turismo, agroindustria, entre otros, todos dirigidos por profesionales en sus campos de especialización. Además, este año, fuimos anfitriones de la Feria ABC de Universidades más grande hasta la fecha, con 32 universidades representadas por los Estados Unidos, España, México, Guatemala, Honduras, Canadá, Suiza y nuestro propio El Salvador; y las delegaciones de las embajadas Británica, Americana y Japonesa.

Los estudiantes de 9º, 10º, 11º, y 12º grados tuvieron la oportunidad de asistir a la Feria de Universidades en diferentes horarios. Queremos que nuestros estudiantes sean capaces de considerar todas las posibilidades disponibles para ellos.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Pre-Kinder Curriculum Night

Pre-Kinder parents were able to attend a fun and informative meeting on Wednesday.

Parents started off in the classrooms and were able to try out some of the activities that their children do every day. I am pleased to say that the parents threw themselves into the activities and participated well. Although I did have to mention to one or two of them to stop playing when it was tidy up time! It was a chance to really understand how children learn through play.

Following this we all met up in the PAC where the Pre-K team had prepared a really informative and enjoyable presentation about what goes on in Pre-kinder classes and why. Parents were able to get a much better understanding of how children learn at this age and how the teachers and assistants facilitate it. Congratulations to the team and Miss Corry for their hard work and thank you to the Madres Enlaces who organised the refreshments and the support staff who set up the PAC and ran the ICT elements of the presentation. Enjoy the photos below.


Los padres de Pre-Kínder tuvieron la oportunidad de asistir a una reunión divertida así como informativa.

Ellos empezaron su jornada en las aulas donde pudieron experimentar con algunas de las actividades que sus hijos desarrollan a diario. Me siento muy satisfecha de decir que la participación de los padres fue muy positiva. ¡Incluso tuve que pedirle a un par que dejaran de jugar cuando era momento de guardar! Fue una oportunidad de comprender a fondo cómo es que los niños aprenden a través del juego.

A continuación nos reunimos todos en el PAC donde el equipo de Pre-Kínder había preparado una presentación, informativa así como enretenida, sobre lo que sucede en las aulas de Pre-Kínder y porqué. Los padres pudieron tener una mejor comprensión de cómo aprenden los niños a esta edad y cómo sus maestras y asistentes los apoyan en este proceso. Felicitaciones al equipo, así como a Ms Corry, por su arduo trabajo así como a las Madres Enlace quienes organizaron los refrigerios. Además quiero agradecer al equipo de apoyo quien preparó el PAC y se encargó de los elementos técnicos de la reunión. Espero que disfruten las fotos a continuación.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Values based Education Quality Mark

At the end of his visit to the ABC Dr. Neil Hawkes awarded the school the International Values based Education Trust Quality Mark. This shows that we have successfully based our shared values and traits into the life of our school and that our students show these values in their work, their lives and their attitudes. We are proud of our school and its achievement but we also intend to work to continue to ensure our shared values have a positive impact on the development of all our children. The award came at the end of a week long visit to the school, observing and talking to children, staff and parents and 400 parents attended the meeting with Dr. Hawkes and his wife Jane last night. We have shown we are a school community that cares for its values and is working hard to put them into practice in all aspects of the lives of our students.


Al final de su visita a la ABC, el Dr. Neil Hawkes otorgó al colegio un certificado por alcanzar la Calificación de Calidad Garantizada en Educación basada en Valores Internacionales. Esto demuestra que hemos logrado, exitosamente, basar la vida de nuestro colegio en nuestros valores y tratos compartidos; reflejándose en la forma de actuar de nuestros alumnos - su trabajo, vida y actitudes. Nos sentimos orgullosos de nuestro colegio así como de este nuevo logro, aunque también nos hemos puesto la meta de seguir trabajando en este tema para asegurar que nuestros valores compartidos tengan un impacto positivo en el desarrollo de todos nuestros niños. El reconocimiento fue otorgado al final de una visita de una semana al colegio, en la cual el Dr. Hawkes  y su esposa Jane observaron, hablaron con alumnos, miembros del personal y padres de familia. Además un promedio de 400 padres de familia asistieron a la charla de anoche. Hemos demostrado que somos una comunidad escolar que se preocupa por sus valores y estamos trabajando duro para ponerlos en práctica en todas las áreas de las vidas de nuestros alumnos.

Friday 12 September 2014

Independence Day Celebrations - Friday 12th September 2014

Below are some photographs of the ABC's Independence Day celebrations.  A superb day was had by everyone.

Independence Day - morning assembly
“The great revolution in the history of man, past, present and future, is the revolution of those determined to be free.” John F. Kennedy


A continuación encontrará algunas fotos de las celebraciones del Día de la Independencia en la ABC. Todos tuvimos un día fantástico.

Día de la Independencia - asamblea matutina
"La gran revolución en la historia del hombre, pasado, presente y futuro, es la revolución de aquellos con la determinación de ser libres." John F. Kennedy

Displaying Ind 1.png

Independence Day - afternoon festivities
“…to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” Nelson Mandela


Día de la Independencia - festividades vespertinas
"...ser libre no sólo significa quitarse las cadenas, sino vivir de manera respetuosa y fomentando la libertad de otros." Nelson Mandela

Upper Primary has appointed the student council and tribal chiefs.

Upper Primary is pleased to announce the appointment of the student council who will be representing their classes and working with the school management in various aspects of school life. The students had to prepare a presentation for their classes and were voted for by their peers. You can see them all below.


Upper Primary se complace en anunciar el nombramiento de los representantes del consejo estudiantil que estará representando a los alumnos ante los administradores en diversas áreas de la vida escolar. Los estudiantes tuvieron que preparar una presentación para sus clases y sus compañeros se sometieron a un proceso de votación. Pueden verlos a continuación.

The tribal chiefs have been selected too and will be rallying their teams, encouraging them to earn tribal points and they will also have responsibilities at school events such as sports days.


También fueron elegidos los jefes de tribu, ellos estarán reuniéndose con sus equipos, animándolos a ganar puntos tribales además de tener responsabilidades en eventos como el día deportivo.

Well done to all these students. We look forward to working with them over the coming year.


Felicidades a estos alumnos. Estamos ansiosos por trabajar con ellos a través del año.

Thursday 11 September 2014

UP Music

Our 5th graders had the opportunity  to visit the National Theatre, you can read more about their experience in the UP Music blog.


Nuestros alumnos de 5o grado tuvieron la oportunidad de visitar el Teatro Nacional, puede leer más sobre su experiencia en el blog de Música de UP.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

IPC entry point Grade 3

Upper Primary

This term our grade 3 children became archaeologists for the start of their IPC unit on 'Temples, Tombs or Treasures'. In order to engage the children in their learning we like to start off with a 'Wow' factor and the grade 3 teaching team certainly did this.

The children had the chance to visit Tutankhamun's tomb and soak up the atmosphere. (This was a converted classroom.) They were able to dig up some artefact remnants using the careful grid method that real archaeologists use and then they were able to rebuild the items.

What an amazing start. The pictures below just give you a little flavour. Please see the class blogs for more.


Este periodo nuestros alumnos de 3er grado se convirtieron en arqueólogos para el inicio de su unidad del IPC sobre “Templos, Tumbas o Tesoros”. Nos gusta comenzar con un factor sorpresa de manera que los niños se involucren con su aprendizaje y eso definitivamente lo que logró el equipo docente de 3er grado.

Los niños tuvieron la oportunidad de visitar la tumba de Tutankamón y absorber el ambiente. (Esta fue un aula transformada.) Tuvieron la oportunidad de escavar artefactos remanentes utilizando un cuidadoso método de cuadrícula como el utilizado por arqueólogos verdaderos además de reconstruir los objetos.

Qué inicio tan maravilloso. Las imágenes de abajo les dan una pequeña muestra de la experiencia vivida. Por favor visite el blog del grado para más información.

Friday 5 September 2014

Dr. Neil Hawkes en la ABC

This meeting is free and open to all ABC parents and if you would like to attend please let us know via this form so we ensure there is space for everyone!


Esta conferencia es gratuita y la invitación se extiende a todos los padres de familia de la ABC. Si desean asistir por favor envíe su confirmación a través de este enlace para asegurar su lugar.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Well done Class 2016 and Class 2014 for your IGCSE and IB results

The school is delighted to announce that the IGCSE and IB results which were recently announced show another year of high achievement by ABC students. Ninety per cent of the Class of 2014 achieved the full bilingual diploma and the average point score was a healthy 30 points. Meanwhile at IGCSE almost all students achieved the minimum 5 A- C grades which we expect for entry onto the IB programme and there were a pleasing number of excellent performances with high numbers of the top A and A* grades. The school wants to congratulate all involved in these successes. These international examinations are challenging and it is a pleasure to see our students competing so strongly on the international stage.


Felicitaciones a las promociones del 2016 y 2014 por los resultados obtenidos en el IGCSE y IB

El colegio se enorgullece en anunciar que los resultados de los IGCSE y IB, los cuales fueron publicados recientemente, nuevamente muestran un año lleno de alto rendimiento por parte de los alumnos de la ABC. El noventa por ciento de la promoción del 2014 obtuvo el diploma bilingüe completo del IB y su calificación promedio fue de 30 puntos.

Mientras tanto a nivel del IGCSE casi todos los alumnos alcanzaron un mínimo de 5 notas entre A y C, que es el mínimo esperado para ingresar al programa IB. Además hubo un número satisfactorio de alumnos cuyo desempeño alcanzó notas de A y A*. 

El colegio desea felicitar a todos los involucrados en este éxito. Estos exámenes internacionales representan un verdadero reto y es un gusto ver a nuestros estudiantes presentarse como candidatos fuertes en este ámbito internacional.

Thursday 21 August 2014

Welcome back

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all back to the new school year and especially to all our new students. I would also like to welcome Mrs. Sharon Short as our new Head of Primary and Mr. Stephen Spicer as our new Head of Secondary. We are all looking forward to an exciting year and you can read more on our weekly newsletter blog which comes out tomorrow and every Friday.

Graeme Keslake
ABC Director


Deseo tomar esta oportunidad para darles la bienvenida en este regreso a clases, en especial a nuestros alumnos de nuevo ingreso. De igual forma recibimos a Mrs. Sharon Short quien es nuestra Directora de Primaria y Mr. Stephen Spicer, Director de Secundaria. 

Todos tenemos las más altas expectativas para este año escolar, sabemos que será emocionante. Por favor recuerden que pueden encontrar noticias e información relevante en nuestro boletín semanal, ABC Weekly, que será emitido semanalmente el día viernes.

Graeme Keslake, 
Director de la ABC

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Silver practice expedition pioneers new route in Perquin

The ABC silver international award team took to the far corner of the country again for an expedition in the area of Perquin. This time the objective included pioneering a new route from the slopes of Cerro Crucita down to the Rio Sapo, following the ridge down to the beautiful twin waterfalls of Olombita.

Saturday began with a dawn assemblage of sleepy award candidates, parents and teachers in the top ABC car park. Everyone had spent their Friday evening packing, and it was a difficult 6am start time but the excitement was running high as a new adventure awaited the team as always. One group member almost got left behind, but no names will be mentioned!

The long drive was carried out by the teachers in suitable convoy style, although they did miss the turning to Perquin the first time around and almost ended up in Honduras - which would have been embarassing!

A quick coffee was drunk at the lodge before the team took to the trails for their first navigational experience alone. Communicating with the teachers by phones and being watched through binoculars, the group attempted to navigate through the complex maze of pointed hills at the base of Llanos de Muerto. In the end teachers and students ended up on two separate hills facing each other across empty air and if only their had been a bridge it would have been a lot easier; but the silver team took their mistake in good spirits and remained together and in good humour as they trekked down and up an equal distance to re-join the lead trail. The new campsite was called Joya Verde, and it was a real treat with freshly constructed bathrooms and a cold shower. In the evening the stars shone clear and the night was warm and still, the team went to bed early determined to do better with their navigation on the following day.

In the night a nest of leaf cutter ants emerged from out of the ground, cut multiple holes in one of the teacher's tents with their razor sharp teeth and disappeared from whence they had came, leaving the whole tent ruined and looking like a swiss cheese.

The second day contained the real challenge, finding a new route to the Rio Sapo across uncharted territory and many grunts and groans were heard as the group shouldered their packs and set off up a steep hill. The group was surprised to come across a new road which has been constructed in what was only recently untouched woodland, showing that development may be coming fast to that region. The team soon left this new landmark into the forest, and were challenged with the task of finding a way down the trackless ridge on the slopes of Lomo de San Marco. They walked cross-country through the forest in a line , no sign of human habitation for hours as the cicadas filled the air with their shrill whining and the heat built up in the dusty air. Eventually the river was spotted and the group slithered down to the bank and took a welcome rest. The river channel was deep and full of wonderful rock pools but the real prize was the twin water falls of Olombita and the team kept descending. One student decided that they just couldn't wait and slipped in with rucksack, clothes and shoes on. Eventually the waterfalls were found, and spectacular they were containing pristine, fresh, cascading  cool water. Unfortunately the campsite was still 2 hours downstream, and the group had to give the pools one last longing glance before plunging into the forest again. As the mid-afternoon sun hung in the sky the tired team crossed the Rio Sapo, accomplishing their mission and earning a well-earned swim. Swimming parties in the Rio Sapo took place for the next two hours, amidst  noisy celebrating and washing. There was time for a nap before the evening fire, which the students made themselves and a quiet look at the stars before bedtime. Dress sense around the fire was definitely festive, especially in the case of the boys whose fire-making while wearing colourful boxer shorts, flip-flops and socks will never be forgotten.

The short walk to the pick-up point on Monday felt quite hot at only 7:30am and the waking pickup was cheered by the group as they piled in. A triumphant coffee was drunk at the Perquin lodge before the long drive home. The silver team slid into place in the line of cars at 1:50pm, looking considerably more tired and dirty than the average ABC student leaving for home but with a triumphant look that only comes after  true adventure. Once more the staff team handled the drive home with suitable aplomb and must be thanked for their dedication and experienced support. One more expedition to go for the silver team on the 31st of May!