Tuesday 13 December 2011

Congratulations Ramon!

In an article in La Prensa Grafica, ABC student Ramon Sanfeliu is shown receiving a diploma from the Ministry of Education in recognition of being part of the Jovenes Talentos programme. Ramon has been representing El Salvador in the Mathematics Olympiads, including in Amsterdam (where 105 countries participated - see photo below) and also in the championships in Costa Rica, amongst others.
Well done Ramon!

Making a difference in our community - sharing Christmas spirit.

As 11th graders we are feeling the commitment to make a difference in our community. Our mission to make a change started in 9th grade, with our 10th Mixed tutor group, and since then we’ve been working with the Orphanage “San Vicente de Paul” in Usulután. The 25 boys that live in this place are very important for us and we’ve built a special bond with them after the constant visits and have now become part of our lives. To this date, we have visited them five times now and with our last visit on the 10th of December, we’ve made our relationship even stronger.

The purpose of our last visit was to share some Christmas spirit with the boys and bring them joy like we did last year. We arranged ourselves with the purpose of making a “Christmas shoe box” which contained a T-Shirt, school supplies, sweets and toys for each boy. We also collected beans and rice with the help of a charity swim organized by one of our classmates and collected enough money to buy some clothes, food supplies and even some pools for the children to enjoy. We also counted with the support of parents who kindly donated more supplies to help the orphanage.
Sharing some time with them has really opened our eyes to reflect upon what we have and be grateful of who we are. This experience has definitely left a footprint in each of our lives and has definitely made each one of us a better person.

This inspiration to keep helping those in our community comes from Jeremy Gilley’s quote “if each of us do our bit, collectively we will make a major contribution” and this motivated us to help these children with what they need and show that there is always someone that cares for them. Now we have all learnt that true charity is the desire to be useful to others without having any recompense and that making someone smile is the best present that we can have during this time of the year.

Javier Monterrosa and Mariela Gutiérrez 
11th Grade

Friday 25 November 2011

Secondary British Fortnight Quiz

The questions for the Secondary British quiz have been sent home to students by email. Please work together as a family and send the answers back to Roxana or Marielos by Monday 9th December at 9:00am. The winning family will receive a London 2012 mascot!

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Last week, seven of our KS3 students entered the UK National Literacy Trust ComiX Factor Competition.  Students had to complete the story of a cartoon character called Dorko.  The winner will have the best art work and the most exciting story and we wish all of our students the best of luck.

Monday 14 November 2011

Student Council meet Mr. Peace One Day

The Student Council had a 30 minute Skype interview with Jeremy Gilley the founder of Peace One Day on Friday. He talked to them about spreading the message of Peace One Day to other schools in El Salvador.

Knowledge Bowl Success

Congratulations to the Knowledge Bowl team who won the inter bilingual school competition this week. We are very proud of them.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Embossing on Metal

The process of embossing is the technique of creating designs in the metal through stamping, piercing, folding or hammering. Copper, brass and aluminum sheets are a common choice for embossing because it is malleable and not as expensive as other metals, such as gold or silver.

The technique of embossing also is also called "tooling" or "repousse" (pronounced rep-o-zay). These sheets of metal usually have a thickness of 5 millimeters. Thicker sheets may be used, but they cannot be easily cut with scissors, and require greater force when hammering or stamping.

This is a 3D work done by an 11th grader who is taking Art as her HL IB Option, she based her design in Art Nouveau movement, and created this original piece of work.

“Each time I do an artwork I try to make it look different and original, this is the reason I chose to do my work with the metal embossing technique. In this work I have decided to express the freedom, the peacefulness and beauty of nature as a whole. I have always like drawing butterflies this is because my name in Greek means butterfly. The butterflies are like in 3D because I have decided to emphasize them, the flowers are components of nature and this is why I have included them.” Vanessa Durán .11th grade – IB Visual Art.

Miss Carmen Chávez - Art Teacher

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Primary Tribal Leaders 2011-2012

Our Primary Tribal leaders were chosen by their 5th grade peers after completing a three step process. This involved completing an application form, delivering a short speech to their tribal peers and going through a secret voting stage.
The results were as follows:
Aztecs: Ana Sofia Arias and Gerardo Gómez
Incas: Luciana Granadino and Michelle Kim
Mayas: Jimena Caballero and Salvador Gutiérrez
Pipils: Alfred Levinsohn and José Eduardo Velásquez

Their responsibilities will include counting and reporting tribal points collected by Upper Primary students, helping out in Lower Primary and Upper Primary events and meeting with UP Deputy Head and Tribal coordinators to continue to build up tribal spirit.

There is no substitute for direct hands-on experience!

What is clay made from?
An awareness of the many uses to which clay is put, both now and in the past, must go hand in hand with children's experience of using the material.
Students from 4th grade had the opportunity to experiment with different types of soil and blend them to make their own suitable clay.

Monday 26 September 2011

The New LRC Blog

There are many ways to find out about what is going on at the LRC. You can "like" us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter, view the website, and view LRC Videos and photos on YouTube and Flickr.

This school year the LRC has launched a new blog which will bring all of these networks together in one place, as well as provide a venue for short informative updates, including the LRC Newsletter which will be uploaded each month for your viewing pleasure.

It is our sincerest hope that you will enjoy our new blog, use it to keep up on the latest in regards to the LRC and feel free to communicate with us through it and the various social networks linked to within.

Here's to the start of a new exciting school year full of innovation in learning.

Theatre Week

This Week is Theatre Week in the Secondary School. Plenty of theatre related activities are taking place in the different subjects, whilst at the LRC a special set of workshops have begun.

The LRC Coordinator and Digital Media Artist have prepared 6 after school sessions, over the course of 2 weeks, aimed at teaching students how to make foam puppets. This activity will end with a series of short puppet shows performed by the students on the last day.

Sessions take place from 2:00-3:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Students can sign up using the Google Form in their email inbox.

Take a minute to view our Theatre Week Puppet Project Video.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Peace One Day

On Friday the Secondary School marked Peace One Day and the start of the countdown to a Global Truce on 21st september 2012. Our aim is to celebrate peace, kindness and respect for each other and to show there is no place for violence in our community. Peace One Day was started by the British film producer Jeremy Gilley and is a UN supported event. In school we often think of the words of Jeremy Gilley when he said "if each of us do our bit collectively we will make a major contribution". This is true with regards to peace as well as encouraging ABC traits and values in our students. It starts with each one of us doing our bit.

Friday 23 September 2011

McLay fun run. Todo un exito...

De Silvana Winter:
Hemos tenido un día espectacular: sin lluvia y un rico sol, niños muy dispuestos a cumplir sus vueltas y un gran equipo de trabajo. Muchas gracias maestros y asistentes por su colaboración, y a las autoridades que nos acompañaron. El resultado es el siguiente;

 McLay Fun Run 
 GradeTime Nº ChildrenLapsCommentsTotal 
 Pre kinder07.25 – 07.40: 98315 mins run294 
 Kinder07.45 – 08.00: 112515 mins run560 
 Prepa08.05 – 08.25: 98620 mins run588 
 First Grade08.30 – 08.50: 122720 mins run854 
 Second Grade08.55 – 09.30: 9392525 mins run825 
 Third Grade10.00 – 10.25: 10696125 mins run961 
 Fourth Grade10.30 – 10.55: 11185225 mins run952 
 Fifth grade11.00 – 11.30: 103107530 mins run1,075 
P/D: Felicitaciones a Michelle Orellana por sus 30 vueltas alrededor de la cancha.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Pleasing Examination Results

May is a busy month at the ABC - it is when students in 10th grade and 12th grade sit their respective external examinations. 10th grade students will take 9 or more subjects in the University of Cambridge's IGCSE programme (International General Certificate of Education) whilst our 12th graders will take the demanding International Baccalaureate Diploma. The slide show below contain the results of these externally graded examinations (as well as the PAES results which were done in September last). (Please note that it is not possible to compare PAES results year by year due to changes in evaluation protocols)

Tuesday 20 September 2011

ABC Mathcounts

We celebrated the Internal ABC Mathcounts Competition in an assembly this morning. Congratulations to all the participants and to the overall winner shown receiving his award from the organiser Mr. Ariola. There were over 70 entrants to the competition and we are looking forward to the coming competition with other schools and internationally. Last year our team had a great experience and enjoyed huge successes in the regional event in Mexico.
Celebramos la competencia interna de ‘Mathcounts’ de la ABC en una asamblea esta mañana.  Felicitaciones a todos los participantes y al máximo ganador, recibiendo su premio en la foto.  Hubo más de 70 participantes en la competencia y esperamos con anhelo la  próxima competencia con otros colegios e internacionalmente.  El año pasado nuestro equipo tuvo una gran experiencia y disfrutaron de grandes éxitos en el evento regional en México.  

Monday 19 September 2011

¡Viaje a Niza!

El Departamento de Francés organizó un viaje a Niza entre Junio y Julio pasado con un pequeño grupo de 9 estudiantes acompañados por su profesora de francés, éllos son Gabriela Alegría, Zeky Brand, Calixto Hernandez, Emilio Escobar, Rose Giuliano, Diana Montalvo, Saúl Padilla, Raúl salazar , Raúl Salazar y su profesora Silvia escobar.

El grupo fue recibido en la Escuela Internacional de Idiomas EF de Niza durante 3 semanas al mismo tiempo, los alumnos disfrutaron de Côte d'Azur desde Saint Tropez hasta Mónaco. Los jóvenes tuvieron la oportunidad de poner en práctica el francés, experimentar la vida cotifiana francesa real y valorar así el esfuerzo de aprender una lengua extranjera.

El viaje de partida desde SanSalvador a Niza se realizó sin ningún inconveniente. A la llegada, fueron recibidos por un representate de EF, luego distribuidos cada uno en una familia receptora.

Esta experiencia estuvo llena de actividades y de sorpresas. La escuela EF es un centro muy cosmopolita. Nuestros jóvenes tuvieron la oportunidad de intercambiar con estuddiantes de Europa, Estados Unidos y México.

Todos los días las clases estaban alternadas por visitas a la ciudad, juegos, paseos a la playa o bien visitas a otras ciudades como Cannes, Mónaco, Saint Tropez entre otros.

La vida en familia receptora estuvo muy bien. Los jóvenes tuvieron la oportunidad de convivir el ritmo de vida cotidiana y experimentar la gastronomía provenzal.

Al cabo de 3 semanas, los jóvenes estaban tan acostumbrados y por supuesto atraídos por el encanto de Niza que no querían dejarla, incluso algunos sintieron nostalgia de dejar su "su casa de Niza" pero había que continuar con el proyecto: una semana en Paris!

Despues de un largo viaje de 6 horas en el TGV, según lo previsto el grupo fue trasladado desde la estación de tren, Lyon hasta Bretigny en la afuers de Paris donde el representate de SILC les recibió muy calurosamente y distribuyó con las nuevas familias receptoras en Paris.

En Paris estuvieron siempre acompañados por un guía muy agradable que los llevó a visitar la mayor parte de sitios célebres de la ciudad: la Torre Eiffel, el museo de Louvre, y tambien el castillo de Versailles, entre otros, fue una semana muy activa.

El viaje tenía que terminar y el 23 de Julio, el grupo tuvo que dejar Paris muy temprano por la mañana ya que el vuelo estaba programado a las 7h:30 am!

Después de casi 15 horas de vuelo. Llegaron muy cansados pero muy contentos de encontrar de nuevo a sus queridas familias quienes esperaban impacientemente a la salida del aeropuerto.

Fue una experiencia, verdaderamente, inolvidable.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Primary Student Council for SY 2011/12 Elected

This week the Primary Student Council has been getting underway. Two school councilors from each class in grades 2nd through to 5th have been elected by their classroom peers.

The idea of the elections has been to reflect a democratic process and echo the principle that the school council represents the voice of its students. This year’s student council had its first meeting on Wednesday, 31st August and was briefed on its role. The student council will certainly have a busy year ahead, as it’ll be taking on the issues that matter most to the children of the ABC.

5th Grade
5th Quintanilla, Paulina Castillo and Guillermo Rivas
5th Brenes, José Andrés Villalobos and Adriana Valeria Velásquez
5th Garcia Prieto, Ana Cristina Arguello and Reynaldo Quintanilla
5th McCall, Stephanie Safie and Fátima Cruz

4th Grade
4th Hernández, Daniel Lechiguero and Roberto Berganza
4th Fastiggi, Matteo Cabrero Altschul and Katia Merlos
4th Molina, Ariana Rodríquez and Luis Alejandro Catani
4th Taylor, Julie Espinal and Miguel Bolinaga

3rd Grade
3rd Judge, Luciana Palomo and Ximena Arguedas
3rd Avilés, Pablo Sánchez and María Jimena Castro
3rd Guzmán, Fernando Gálvez and Rocio Guerrero
3rd Navas, Gerardo Salvato and Sophia Gómez

2nd Grade
2nd Padilla, Gabriela Kecskemeti and Jonathan Rodezno
2nd Moore, Gerardo Maza and Valeria Melara
2nd Mena, Daniel López Masias and Andrea Rodriguez
2nd Quijano, Sofia Huezo and Cesar García

Wednesday 31 August 2011

IGCSE Results Congratulations to the Class of 2013 - Felicitaciones a la Promoción 2013 por los Resultados del IGCSE

At the start of term we received the University of Cambridge IGCSE results for the Class of 2013. We were really pleased with their achievements with almost all of the class achieving the standard needed to enter the IB Diploma. The students worked hard and should be delighted with their grades. We will be awarding the certificates at an assembly later this month. In particular we want to recognise the high standards achieved by our top four students: Javier Monterrosa, Mariela Guttierez, Jonathan Keslake and Alexia Jimenez who all achieved a high number of the top A* and A grades. We expect all of the Class of 2013 to enjoy similar success on their IB Diploma programmes which they are starting.
Al inicio del trimestre recibimos los resultados del IGCSE de la Universidad de Cambridge para la Promoción 2013.  Estamos muy satisfechos con sus logros ya que la mayoría de la clase obtuvo el estándar necesario para entrar en el Diploma del Bachillerato Internacional (IB).   Los estudiantes trabajaron duro y deben estar muy contentos con sus notas.  Los premiaremos entregando los certificados en una asamblea a finales de este mes.  Particularmente, deseamos reconocer los logros más altos alcanzados por cuatro de nuestros estudiantes: Javier Monterrosa, Mariela Gutiérrez, Jonathan Keslake y Alexia Jiménez, quienes obtuvieron un alto número de notas A* y A.  Esperamos que todos los de la Promoción 2013 disfruten un éxito similar en su programa del Diploma del IB que están empezando.

Saturday 27 August 2011

IGCSE - Art Exhibition

The now 10th grader's who are doing IGCSE in Art, worked over the summer on a project. There were 2 themes. One "You are what you eat" and the other one a design of a "DVD Display of their favorite artist"

This is the result of their hard work.!